Sunday, October 23, 2011

Capacity Development : Supporting Disaster Mitigation Activity in Indonesia

Capacity Development : Supporting Disaster Mitigation Activity in Indonesia
Andi Eka Sakya


Indonesian's position is very unique. Indonesia is flanked by two continents and two oceans. As one of the biggest archipelagic countries in the world, it consist of more than 17000 islands lies across approximately 6000 km width from east to west and full of volcanic mountain often called ring of fire. That situation, added by the influence of meridional and zonal circulation, affects the complexities of the climate variation in Indonesia. Furthermore, the interaction between the Indian Ocean and te African one, so-called dipole mode, impinges on the weather at western side of the country. In the eastern part, the ENSO phenomenon, frequently induce weather anomaly especially extreme drought.
In addition to that, Indonesia lies on the three dynamic faults so-called Eurasia, Pacific and Indo-Australia plates, which move approaching each other with different speed of dilatation. This alone poses a potent and vulnerable position of Indonesia to the earthquake. Depending on the movement of the plate, because almost of the plate position is within the sea area, the sub-ducted movement often causes tsunami.
Those above condition lay the foundation of the Indonesian's vulnerability to disaster, not only because of weather or climate anomaly but also because of earthquake, tsunami as well as volcanoes. Those disasters easily originate damage and live lost, especially when people do not aware of the cause as to how disaster could happen. The awareness of the incident can lead to the early warning and can also reduce the damages as well as the victims.
This paper reports the activity encompasses the country's resource capability addresses the crucial question on disaster mitigation. It covers human resource development technologically, institutionally as well as organizationally. The ultimate objective is to discuss the steps that have been undertaken related to capacity development with regard to the disaster mitigation.
This paper outlines briefly the type of disasters that potentially occur, followed by the basic approach ion management development on the disaster mitigation. Activities that have been conducted at other institutions be it individually or in coordinated term, is also explained.

Keywords : Disaster prone, Tsunami, Meteorology, Earthquake, Early warning, Capacity building.

(Natural Disasters: Policy Issues and Mitigation Strategies. 2011. Daya Publishing House : New Delhi, India.)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Natural Disasters


A disaster can be a natural or a man-made hazard that results in large scale physical destruction, human suffering and loss of life. It can be a tragic event resulting from events such as tsunami, earthquakes, floods, catastrophic accidents, fires, explosions, etc. In general, developing countries suffer the most when a disaster hits, primarily because of the lack of management and unpreparedness to meet such eventualities as compared to the developed countries. The capabilities for risk assessment, forecasting, monitoring and early warning systems, emergency management, prevention strategies, improving awareness, political will and a need to involve the professionals, scientific bodies and public-private partnerships are some of the key elements that need urgent attention particularly in the context of the developing countries. In this direction, the strategic thinking is required to unfold scenarios before they really occur so that the road map to human safety could be updated, game plan could be revised and strategic sense could be sharpened to fight natural disasters. It is essential to build joint programmes and win-win partnerships on natural disasters management among the developing countries to prevent human sufferings and the loss of life, to the maximum extent.

The present publication is a follow up of the international roundtable on 'Lessons from Natural Disasters, Policy Issues and Mitigation Strategies' organized at Vellore, India during 8-12 January 2007, by the NAM S&T Centre and the Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management (CDMM) of the VIT University. It includes 16 research papers including country status reports from 12 developing countries of Asian, African and Latin American regions. The book presents significant insights on various kinds of natural disasters and concerned management strategies for the developing countries and is expected to be of great value for the researchers and professional engaged with the disaster management issues.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Analisis Trajectory Polutan di Semarang Serta Validasi Model Dispersi Polutan di Jakarta

Buruknya kualitas udara perkotaan tidak hanya disebabkan oleh sumber polutan yang besar, namun sangat dipengaruhi oleh minimnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya udara sehat.
Kurangnya informasi mengenai transport dan dispersi polutan di daerah turut memberikan andil dalam peningkatan polusi udara akibat pemanfaatan tata ruang yang tidak terarah, baik untuk penempatan lokasi industri maupun pemukiman penduduk. Dengan demikian, risiko bahaya pencemaran udara di suatu wilayah dapat dicegah sedini mungkin.
Tujuan dari kegiatan Analisis Trajectory Polutan di Semarang serta Validasi Model Dispersi Polutan di Jakarta adalah untuk mengidentifikasi polutan akibat kegiatan-kegiatan yang melepaskan emisi polutan, khususnya kegiatan industri di Semarang dan memetakan arah penyebaran polutan serta kegiatan validasi output model dispersi polutan di wilayah Jakarta.

Pengembangan Rekayasa Transmitter, Radiosonde, Seismograf dan AWS

Kata Pengantar

Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT sehingga Laporan Kegiatan Pengembangan Rekayasa Transmitter, Radiosonde, Seismograf dan AWS, dimana pada tahun anggaran 2007 ini mengkhususkan pada rekayasa Automatic Weather Station.
Dengan telah tersusunnya Laporan Kegiatan Pengembangan Rekayasa Transmitter, Radiosonde, Seismograf dan AWS tahun 2007 ini maka kami menyampaikan terima kasih kepada Kepala BMG, Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan BMG, Sekretaris Utama serta seluruh pejabat Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini atas bantuan yang diberikan sehingga pelaksanaan Pengembangan Perekayasaan AWS ini dapat berhasil dengan baik meskipun masih ditemui beberapa kekurangan selama kegiatan berlangsung. Kami juga menyampaikan terimakasih kepada tim kegiatan Pengembangan Rekayasa Transmitter, Radiosonde, Seismograf dan AWS tahun 2007 yang telah bekerja secara maksimal dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan selama tahun 2007.